The Boys....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Biophysical Appt today Date: 06/06/2006

Ok, so I have been going to the dr way too much for my taste, but I guess it is better to err on the side of caution then to just see what happens.

The Dr. ordered me to have a biophysical exam due to her concerns of the baby being small despite the gestational diabetes. But also said, that congenitally the baby is fine, and it just may not be possible for Brian and I to produce a "big" baby. We were both under 8 pounds, he was only 7 1/2 and I was under 7, so we weren't big babies ourselves.

What a biophysical is, is a 30 minute screen (ultrasound) where they look for 4 different factors, 3 of which I remember. 1) amount of amniotic fluid, 2) movement of baby, 3) breathing reflexes 4)movement. You can score 8 points total on this assessment. Any thing lower might signify a problem. Peanut got an 8 out of 8.

She said everything looks fine. So now I go back on Thursday for my regular appt and a non-stress test.

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